Sunday, January 26, 2014

Weird Thinking Habits and The Afterlife

   Sometimes I wonder what the afterlife looks like. Is there even an afterlife? Like, if I were to die right now, what would I feel or see? I obviously haven't an idea because I haven't died yet, but if I did, would I see 'heaven' and all the weird angel stuff? I am not a religious person and science hasn't actually proved the existence of a greater being yet, so I'm not sure. I don't actually know what got me on the subject of the afterlife, but it's kind of weird. My though patterns are weird...

   Moving on.

   I can stare at a wall for hours on end, doing nothing but thinking. Maybe that's where I get all of my weird blog post topics... Hm.


Saturday, January 25, 2014

I Highly Detest Nicknames

    So maybe I have insomnia and enjoy writing nonsense in the middle of the night. It's actually very early.. But it feels like 10 o'clock or something even though that's very early as well. Very dark here and very silent. I hate it. Boring. I wish someone bombed this place...

   Okay, so maybe not bombed. Not here at least. But I would appreciate it if there was a shooting next door. Life can be so mundane sometimes, don't you think?

   Anyways, I have no idea why I'm typing this. This is completely pointless and no one would read it, unless you're one of those people who have too much free time and live their social lives on the internet. In that case, you might stick around. 

   My name is Romero. And I hate nicknames, but that will be a topic for later when I'm absolutely dying of boredom and my brains melt enough for me to write about it. So please don't nickname me. 

- K, Romero

January 25, 2014